Sonnaz Group Roadmap | Sonnaz Group

Product Roadmap

In Progress/ Planned

Day Tracker

Simplified UI

This update will refine the look and feel of the app while making it more recognizable with the new OS updates. This update will also add more functionality to each page.

Discount Calculator

Migration to Swift UI

This update will migrate the code from Storyboard to Swift UI. This update will come with a pretty significant redesign as it is re-written but this update will make it faster to update and add more functionality in the future.

Quicker Tipper

Migration to Swift UI

This update will migrate the code from Storyboard to Swift UI. This update will come with a pretty significant redesign as it is re-written but this update will make it faster to update and add more functionality in the future.

Considering/ Potential Future Updates

Day Tracker

Photo Capability

This would allow the users to add photos to correspond to any day of the year. There would be a calendar view to show thumbnails of the photos to keep track of which days are completed. There would be notifications to remind the user to take a photo everyday.

Discount Calculator


This would allow the user to save certain aspects like discounts, prices, themes, etc. These presets could be triggered by the user, by shortcuts, or by locations. This would help with common applications saving time setting it up everytime.

Quicker Tipper


This would allow the user to add discounts to the bill as if there is a coupon or gift card (straight price or percentage). Then there would be onptions on how the tip should be calculated (off the pre-discount total or post-discount total).

Launched/ Completed

Discount Calculator :

Sales Tax

Added the ability to add sales tax to the discount equation. Added a tab with all 50 states and their respective tax rate and buttons to apply said tax rate to the calculator. You can now also add multiple discounts (up to 4).

Day Tracker :

Copy & Paste

All the numbers calculated can easily be copied to the clipboard with a simple press of a button. Click the button the number it is on, and said number will be copied for use anywhere on the device.

Sonnaz Group