Unlock the full potential of your discounts with Discount Calculator, the ultimate tool to help you calculate the final price of your items after discounts and taxes. Whether you're shopping for a single item or multiple deals, this app makes it easy to see exactly what you'll pay at checkout.
With Discount Calculator, saving money has never been simpler. Whether you’re shopping for a bargain or dealing with multiple discounts, this app ensures you're getting the best deal every time.
Instant Discount Calculation: On the main screen, simply input the original price, pick a discount percentage from a slider of common options, and adjust the tax rate for your state (with 50 sliders to choose from). The app will instantly calculate your final price after discount and tax, so you're never left guessing at the register.
Multiple Discounts Made Easy: Shopping at a store like Kohl's where you can stack discounts? No problem. On the second page, add multiple discounts (e.g., 20% off + 15% off) and the app will automatically calculate the total discount. This total is then added to the main screen, giving you a real-time final price after all discounts have been applied.
State-Specific Tax Calculations: Each U.S. state has its own tax rate, and we’ve got you covered. On the third page, browse through a list of all 50 states, select your state, and the tax rate will automatically apply to the calculation. If you’re overseas or need to include city taxes, you can manually enter a custom tax rate, ensuring you’re always accurate.
Customization Features: Make the app truly yours by adjusting the theme and app icon. Whether you prefer a minimalist design or something bold and colorful, you can personalize Discount Calculator to fit your style. Choose from a variety of themes and icons to create an app that feels uniquely yours.
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